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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Google Alert - Medicare

News10 new results for Medicare
House Republican aims to repeal Medicare doctor pay cuts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the House of Representatives will seek a permanent solution to scheduled steep cuts in physician payments from the federal Medicare health insurance plan for retirees and disabled people, a House committee ...
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Broader therapies could further strain Medicare
People on Medicare are entitled to various kinds of rehab and therapeutic services — occupational or speech therapy, for instance. But over the past 30 years or so, the coverage became spotty. Some people were able to get that care only if it could ...
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Three ways Obama wants to cut Medicare
Washington Post (blog)
"We'll bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for Medicare, because our medical bills shouldn't be based on the number of tests ordered or days spent in the hospital – they should be based on the quality of care that our seniors ...
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The GOP's renewed (and dangerous) push to reform Medicare and Social Security
Washington Post (blog)
"Now, some in this Congress have proposed preventing only the defense cuts by making even bigger cuts to things like education and job training, Medicare and Social Security benefits," Obama said. "That idea is even worse (than the sequester)." ...
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St. Joseph Medical Center not certified by Medicare system
Baltimore Sun
The University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center failed a critical federal inspection and has been unable to collect what is likely millions of dollars in Medicare reimbursements from the federal government since Dec. 1. As part of its takeover of ...
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Obama: Limited cost-cutting for Medicare
Washington Post (blog)
Obama also mentioned asking "more from our wealthiest seniors"—presumably a proposal to increase the Medicare premiums that higher income seniors pay. And he noted that his 2010 health-care law already contains measures aimed at slowing the ...
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Medicare: A Dangerously Good Deal
Motley Fool
It's not surprising that we can't pass a bill to address long-term budget deficits. Effectively all of the growth in projected long-term budget spending is health care costs tied to Medicare benefits. And -- surprise! -- voters really like Medicare ...
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Medicare Advantage disenrollment period nears end
It's last call for seniors who want to make changes to their 2013 Medicare health-care coverage. The disenrollment period for Medicare HMO-style plans or stand-alone prescription coverage, which started Jan. 1, ends at midnight Thursday. That gives ...
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Rubio plugs GOP Medicare plan
The Hill (blog)
"Republicans have offered a detailed and credible plan that helps save Medicare without hurting today's retirees," Rubio said. "Instead of playing politics with Medicare, when is the President going to offer his plan to save it? Tonight would have been ...
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State of the Union Addresses Medicare Reform, Gun Control
In his fifth State of the Union address tonight, President Barack Obama spoke mostly as a Job Creator in Chief, Deficit Reducer in Chief, and Commander in Chief, but he took a few minutes to put healthcare policy on his second-term agenda, including ...
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Blogs4 new results for Medicare
Simpson-Bowles on Medicare « The Reality-Based Community
By Don Taylor
The President mentioned being open to Medicare reforms of similar cost magnitude to those proposed by the Simpson-Bowles report in the State of the Union last night. Here is a post from April, 2011 on the health policy proposals of the ...
The Reality-Based Community
Thune: Obama's Medicare Proposals Are Insufficient | TPM LiveWire
By Sahil Kapur
John Thune (SD) said Tuesday night after the State of the Union that President Obama's proposals to save Medicare don't go far enough. "All he said was he would agree to a number [of health savings] that was in Bowles-Simpson," Thune ...
TPM LiveWire
Nurse Your Medicare—Obama's Coming for It - Larry's List - Truthdig
The only reason President Obama is interested in health care reform is to please big business; Aaron Swartz memorials have become the setting of discussions about transforming the U.S. justice system; meanwhile, Obama's pick for secretary ...
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
Obama hails Obamacare, targets medicare, drugs for savings: Voice ...
President Barack Obama called on Congress to send him an immigration reform bill "in the next few months," upping the pressure on Senate and House members to find a compromise.
Voice of Russia, News

Web4 new results for Medicare
House GOP Seeks To Change Medicare Doctor Payment Formula ...
The chairmen of the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce committees want a permanent change to the current system that repeatedly threatens to cut ...
Medicare: Past, present and future | Need to Know | PBS
Medicare and what to do about it is one of the most bedevilling issues facing the nation. Both ...
Obama Gets Standing Ovation on Medicare - ABC News
President Obama says Washington "must keep promises we've already made."
Obama Rejects Age Increase for Medicare Eligibility
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney revealed Monday that President Barack Obama will not consider raising the Medicare eligibility age to help balance ...

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