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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Google Alert - Medicare

News9 new results for Medicare
The grand Medicare compromise?
Washington Post (blog)
It was the idea, most prominently associated with Rep. Paul Ryan but also advocated by Mitt Romney, to add private insurance plans to the Medicare system and then give seniors a coupon that lets them choose between the private and public options. In ...
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Trade-offs in raising Medicare eligibility age
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON — Americans are living longer, and Republicans want to raise the Medicare eligibility age as part of any deal to reduce the government's huge deficits. But what sounds like a prudent sacrifice for an aging society that must watch its budget ...
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Elderhood Project: Medicare deadline
"It's very important for those that are planning on changing their Medicare Part D plan because it's the last day to do it without penalty," says Ashley Muraoka-Mamaclay of the Honolulu Elderly Affairs Division. If you are satisfied with your current ...
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Insurance officials say co-pays won't reduce Medicare costs
Washington Post
The nation's insurance commissioners have some stern advice about proposals to shrink Medicare spending by asking seniors with supplemental Medigap policies to pay more out of pocket for their health care: Don't do it. The health law requires the ...
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Will Medicare go over the fiscal cliff?
MarketWatch (blog)
It was almost inevitable that spending on Medicare would become a tar pit in the "fiscal cliff" budget negotiations. The health-insurance entitlement is not only one of the most expensive programs in the federal arsenal, it's also one of the most ...
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Obamacare vs. Medicare
The approach of the so-called fiscal cliff has unleashed a torrent of inanity in Washington. The cliff is an artificial impediment, a testimony to the ineptitude of the last Congress, an overreaction to our overhyped long-term deficit problem. I don't ...
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Raising Medicare eligibility age may save $100B as costs shift
A Republican proposal to raise the eligibility age for Medicare may save the federal government more than $100 billion while increasing health-care costs to senior citizens, states and employers. People age 65 and older could pay an extra $2,000 for ...
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Medicare Eligibility Switch Could Cost W.Va. Dearly
Wheeling Intelligencer
WHEELING - A proposal by federal lawmakers to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 to help avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" could add $1 billion or more to West Virginia's long-term obligations to its future retirees, figures provided by ...
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An Argument Against Seeking Fiscal Fix in Cuts to Medicare and Social Security
PBS NewsHour
Republicans have proposed changes to so-called entitlements such as social security and Medicare to reduce the U.S. deficit. But Max Richtman of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare says these aren't entitlements, but earned ...
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Blogs5 new results for Medicare
Polls Show Public Reluctance For Trimming Medicare To Curb The ...
A new AP-GfK poll found most Americans favor letting tax cuts expire for top wage earners and a Quinnipiac poll found that voters oppose cutting Medicaid spending and increasing the Medicare eligibility age.
All Kaiser Health News
Office of Statewide Benefits provides information on Medicare Parts ...
9:57 a.m., Dec. 6, 2012--The Delaware Office of Statewide Benefits recently announced that it is contacting employees and retirees who participate in the group health plan and are age 45 or over through a mailing that describes when ...
University of Delaware: UDaily
Why Social Security is not like Medicare | The Daily Caller
By Mickey Kaus
Solidarity at the ATM: Jacob Sullum on progressives' counterintuitive opposition to cutting entitlements for the affluent, which is otherwise an obvious bipartisan way out of the current "fiscal cliff" dilemma. Sullum notes that resistance to this ...
The Daily Caller
When should I apply for Medicare? - The Help Desk -
By Money Editors
I'm planning on retiring when I turn 65, which is in five months. Do I wait until I'm 65 to apply for Medicare? – Sharon V. If you're already receiving Social Security benefits, you'll be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B when you ...
The Help Desk - Personal Finance...
Why the math of a higher Medicare eligibility age doesn't work ...
By Mark Miller
Congressional Republicans want to raise Medicare's eligibility age as part of a deal with Democrats to avoid falling off the fiscal cliff. Raising the eligibility age from 65 to 67 would save some money for Medicare and low-income seniors.

Web1 new result for Medicare
Medicare emerging as prime target in U.S. "fiscal cliff" talks - Yahoo ...
From Yahoo! News: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With rival Democratic and Republican deficit plans increasingly focused on Medicare, experts say the two sides ...

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